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General Membership Meetings

Moles Funeral Home – Community Room

2465 Lakeway Drive

Next PNA General Meetings - 7 p.m. (Social at 6:30)

Topics - To Be Determined

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

February 2015 - Time & Date TBD

PNA Board Meetings – 7 p.m.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

* Please call Mary Chaney at 733-0209 for Board Meeting details, or send email to: info(at)pugetneighborhood.org

Sunday, June 17, 2012

National Night Out Against Crime 2012

The 29th annual National Night Out Against Crime (NNO) is scheduled for Tuesday, August 7th 2012

Last year’s National Night Out campaign involved citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic businesses, neighborhood organizations and local officials from over 15,000 communities. In all, over 37 million participated in the National Night Out 2011. This year, we want to see that number grow.

National Night Out is designed to:
  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness
  • Generate support for and participation in local anti-crime programs
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships and
  • Send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back

How do you organize a NNO event in your neighborhood?  Simply host a social gathering on your block in the early evening of Tuesday August 7th. Examples of past successful events have been:
  • BBQ
  • Ice Cream social
  • Pot Luck neighborhood dinners
  • Neighborhood cookouts

If you live in Bellingham and want a representative from the Police Department, Whatcom Dispatch (911) Center, Office of Emergency Management or Whatcom County Humane Society, register your event as soon as possible using the contact information below. (You just need to let us know you want a guest speaker.) The speaker will answer questions and talk about their particular area of expertise. Guest speakers are limited so request early. The first 10 registered events will receive a free NNO 2012 BBQ apron and NNO 2012 banner.

Not only has NNO proven to be an effective and inexpensive program it’s also a fun way to promote safer neighborhoods and police-community partnerships. The benefit offered to neighbors getting out and meeting each other is priceless. Join this year’s event. Commit to hosting a National Night Out event in your neighborhood.

To register your event, please email Public Information Officer Mark Young at myoung@cob.org. Please include your Name/phone number/email /Neighborhood represented /Address and time of your social event Do you want a speaker?

Mark Young
Public Information Officer
Bellingham Police Department