We enjoyed a robust discussion about walking at last week’s PNA meeting. Here are 2 related events this week – celebrating walking & the projects that make walking safe, pleasurable & attractive.
Walking and Bicycling Toward a More Livable Bellingham
7-9 p.m. Friday, September 30
Whatcom Museum Rotunda Room
219 Prospect Street
Walking & Bicycling Toward a More Livable Bellingham: Lessons Learned from Portland, features Ellen Vanderslice, an architect and project manager in Portland, Oregon.
For more information: go to the City website.
Whatcom Creek Trail Route Completion – Ribbon Cutting
outside Platt Electric Supply
1825 Ellis Street
Local and state officials will join city residents to celebrate the Whatcom Creek trail route completion, a trail from Lake Whatcom to Bellingham Bay.
New sidewalk and bicycle lanes along Meador, Kansas, and Ellis streets improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists while connecting the east and west ends of the trail along the streets. Sidewalk construction included an innovative reuse of old, high-flow toilets, crushed and mixed to create “poticrete”.
For more information, go to the City website.