Beginning Sunday, September 23, WTA will extend its service hours on existing Sunday routes. WTA will also increase evening frequency on two routes. Expanded service will be funded by the City of Bellingham’s Transportation Benefit District.
Sunday Service Expanded
Service begins one hour earlier and ends one hour later on all Sunday routes, except evening service on Route 105. Specialized Transportation hours have also been expanded.
New Route to Bellingham’s Waterfront
Route 46 Squalicum Harbor provides weekday a.m. and p.m peak service to Roeder Ave.
Additional Trips
Additional trips are being provided in the evenings on routes 196 WWU/Lincoln Creek and 401 Fairhaven.
The following changes were made to help WTA keep routes arriving and departing on time:
Schedule Changes
We have changed arrival and departure times for routes14 Fairhaven (Evenings), 50 Gooseberry (Weekdays & Saturdays), 55 Blaine/Birch Bay (Weekdays) and 105 Fairhaven (Evenings).
Route Redesign
We have moved Route 50 Gooseberry Pt. from Alderwood Ave. to Cottonwood Ave. We have moved Route 525 Sunset from Northshore Dr., Silver Beach Ave. and Sylvan St. to Alabama St.
For more information --
WTA website
New Route to Bellingham’s Waterfront
Route 46 Squalicum Harbor provides weekday a.m. and p.m peak service to Roeder Ave.
Additional Trips
Additional trips are being provided in the evenings on routes 196 WWU/Lincoln Creek and 401 Fairhaven.
The following changes were made to help WTA keep routes arriving and departing on time:
Schedule Changes
We have changed arrival and departure times for routes14 Fairhaven (Evenings), 50 Gooseberry (Weekdays & Saturdays), 55 Blaine/Birch Bay (Weekdays) and 105 Fairhaven (Evenings).
Route Redesign
We have moved Route 50 Gooseberry Pt. from Alderwood Ave. to Cottonwood Ave. We have moved Route 525 Sunset from Northshore Dr., Silver Beach Ave. and Sylvan St. to Alabama St.
For more information --
WTA website