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General Membership Meetings

Moles Funeral Home – Community Room

2465 Lakeway Drive

Next PNA General Meetings - 7 p.m. (Social at 6:30)

Topics - To Be Determined

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

February 2015 - Time & Date TBD

PNA Board Meetings – 7 p.m.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

* Please call Mary Chaney at 733-0209 for Board Meeting details, or send email to: info(at)pugetneighborhood.org

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mayor's 2013 Budget

From the City of Bellingham:
Mayor's proposed budget based on Council direction, sound financial principles

Bellingham Mayor Kelli Linville presented the Preliminary 2013 Budget to the Bellingham City Council tonight (Oct. 8, 2012), a proposed two-year financial plan guided by direction from the City Council and principles she developed with her leadership team.

Call for Artists - Downtown visions

Artists invited to imagine the future of downtown for City Hall exhibit

The City of Bellingham is seeking submissions for a temporary two-dimensional art show highlighting downtown Bellingham as imagined in the future.

In conjunction with the downtown planning effort that is currently underway, the Bellingham Arts Commission is seeking paintings, drawings, illustrations, renderings, manipulated photographs, two-dimensional collage, or any other two-dimensional art form depicting an imagined downtown. The intent of the show is to assist the community in picturing what downtown -- everybody's neighborhood -- could look like when human ingenuity, creativity and imagination are unrestrained.

Rain Gardens - Free Consultation Site Visits & Party Invite

 One of 12,000 Rain Gardens!

Rain gardens can prevent flooding, filter pollution and add beauty to your yard.

Working in collaboration with Stewardship Partners, WSU Master Gardener Rain Garden Mentors are available to provide FREE site visits and help you consider how a rain garden might fit into your yard.

Attempted Theft - Century Link on Fraser St.

From the Bellingham Herald:

Man allegedly tried to steal wire from Bellingham CenturyLink (on Fraser Street)