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General Membership Meetings

Moles Funeral Home – Community Room

2465 Lakeway Drive

Next PNA General Meetings - 7 p.m. (Social at 6:30)

Topics - To Be Determined

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

February 2015 - Time & Date TBD

PNA Board Meetings – 7 p.m.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

* Please call Mary Chaney at 733-0209 for Board Meeting details, or send email to: info(at)pugetneighborhood.org

Sunday, June 30, 2013

University Ridge public comments received & posted

Many comments (some with photos) have been sent in to the City regarding the proposal.  They are posted on the City website.  See below for more information about the process & how you can provide further input at the public hearing.

1) The PNA Board also submitted a letter. Click here for the PNA Board letter -- It is in the section for June 20-21 correspondence on the City website mentioned above.

2) PUBLIC HEARING -- From the City of Bellingham website:
Per the applicant's request, the director has agreed to consolidate the review and approval process for these permit applications. The Hearing Examiner will make the final decision on this proposal after conducting a public hearing. The public hearing has not been scheduled at this time.
Click here for the City website page with all information to-date on the University Ridge development.

3) PUBLIC COMMENT -- From the City public notices site(emphasis added)
A staff report will be available at the PCDD approximately one week prior to the hearing. 
You may comment on the proposal by writing to the address below and/or by testifying at the hearing. Staff will issue a recommendation on the project after the comment period ends on Wednesday, June 25, 2013. Written comments should be submitted before the end of the comment period but will be accepted if received by the PCDD by 5:00 p.m. on the hearing date. You may also request a copy of the Hearing Examiner’s decision and information on your appeal rights. 
If you would like to become a party of record for this proposal and receive the final decision, please submit your name and address to the PCDD.
*Send written comments and requests for information to: Kathy Bell, PCDD, City Hall, 210 Lottie Street, Bellingham, WA 98225 or email: kbell@cob.org  (PCDD is the Planning & Community Development Department, City of Bellingham)